The situation Local Authorities find themselves in is a
predicament with dire consequences and borders on unfix-able. Faced with the known challenges of year on
year budget cuts, greater pressure and demand from the public, managing risk
and conflicting priorities, and the influence and political nuances of the
Members and their Parties we could almost feel sorry for those running Local
Much is being done across the country by our Local
Authorities to act more commercially.
Ideas ranging from sales of consumer oriented goods, recycling schemes,
leveraging IT&T infrastructure, consolidation of property and more, but one
cannot throw a blanket across the nation and say 'be commercial' as there are
far too many local and parochial variables to contend with.
Take a helicopter ride over a business, any business, what
becomes clear is there are two main types of activity taking place. If we were to put these activities into buckets
we would have; bucket 1 - 'business as usual (BAU)' and bucket 2 - 'projects'.
Bucket 1 - 'BAU' - in the context of local authorities is
filled with the daily tasks that need to be completed to serve the community
and run the business. From emptying bins
to collecting rates, these activities must not stop and must meet demand.
Bucket 2 – ‘Projects’ - contains everything that starts as
an idea or an imperative with a budget and a date to complete. Some projects start and don't finish, some
start and run for ever, some start and finish way over budget and some never
get off the ground but the issue is every one of these projects will either
negatively or positively affect bucket 1, business as usual.
In my recent conversations with local authorities what does
loom large as a common denominator in those authorities who are searching for
and delivering a more commercial approach is that this cannot impede on
'business as usual'. This could be done
though better project management, better understanding of financial information
and better decision making processes but it appears the problem in being really
commercial is more to do with 'mindset' throughout the authority coupled with a
focus on the customer.
Without Local Authorities being able to clearly articulate
internally why the business needs to be commercial, and therefore to build a
plan with clear descriptions of the benefits and outcomes for the business, its
customers and its employees this mindset will never shift.
Beechwood International
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